Uploaded to EYE CONTACT BBS, SF 415-255-5972 by: the Fox I always knew that Lynn would get me in trouble. She means well, but she just doesn't consider the consequences of her actions. I mean, like last night, she-- I'm getting ahead of myself. Here's how it went down (ahem): Lynn called me about eight in the evening. She said something about her boyfriend being out for the evening, and being lonely, with nothing to do. That's just Lynn being Lynn... she's always teasing, making innuendos, things like that. Nothing ever comes of it, though. Terry (that's Lynn's boyfriend... a wolf, y'know) and I were friends, and I knew there wouldn't be any problem if I pestered Lynn for a while. So, I grabbed my keys and my helmet and rode my Yamaha over to Lynn's place. She answered the door in a bathrobe which was barely adequate to cover her up. Nice... Terry was a damn lucky fellow. I'd always had a thing for raccoons, but Terry had found her first... oh, well. It's not like I was completely infatuated with her, but always in the back of my mind there was the thought... but I digress. "Well, are you going to stand out there and stare at my boobs or are you going to come in?" She put her fists on her hips and looked annoyed. God, she was sexy! She knew the effect she was having, because after a moment a giggle escaped her. "You're right... I think I'll come in and stare at your boobs instead." I pulled off my helmet and stepped inside. The smell of chocolate was in the air, and I smacked my chops. "Who's cooking?" "I am, silly. Just a cake mix... I was hungry for something decadent." "Suits you," I replied with a leer. "You lecherous fox!" She suddenly reached forward and pinched my nipple though my shirt. I yipped, and swatted her derriere. "Lech yourself!" "Awww... it's more fun with two!" "Only two? What an underachiever!" "Letch!" That is pretty typical for a conversation with Lynn. For a while we killed time, eating her cake and watching movies on cable. We were sitting together on Lynn's couch... a HUGE thing with overstuffed cushions which Lynn had strewn with smaller pillows. All this time, I couldn't help but notice her... she was sitting with her legs tucked under her and leaning on the back of the couch. The robe was lifted up by the position, exposing her pretty rump. I was getting seriously distracted. She looked over, and noticed the direction of my gaze. With mock modesty she tugged at her robe, completely failing to cover her behind. She smiled, running a finger along the edge of the robe, toying with the fur on her hip. Unnoticed, the movie on the TV ended. "Movie's over, Foxy. What do you wanna do now?" That TEASE! I shifted in my seat, trying to conceal the bulge in my pants. I was trying desperately to keep my cool, but was having difficulty. "Something tells me you wouldn't be interested in a game of chess..." "No," she said. She leaned forward until she was on her hands and knees, her muzzle only inches from mine. "I've got a better idea." She reached gently for my jaw. I flinched slightly at her touch. "Uh... wouldn't Terry be a bit upset if..." "Oh, don't worry. He won't be back for hours, and..." Her voice trailed away as she glanced between my legs. My state of arousal was plain. "...I can tell it's something we both want," she whispered. Her hand trailed down my jaw, down my chest, across my belly, stopping on my belt buckle. "Please?" I couldn't reply. Thoughts raced around in my head... desire... fear... what if Terry finds out... My body, though, was already responding. I found myself stroking the fur on her chest, while she slowly unbuckled my belt. God, but this was UNREAL. Shortly we were nude, having undressed each other. She was already wet when I reached between her legs, stroking the short fur surrounding her vulva. Kneeling on the couch, we embraced. I started nibbling on her neck while she slowly stroked my penis. Our breathing was heavy and loud now, and a moan escaped her as I shifted my nibbling down to her breasts. She placed her hands on my shoulders, pulling me down on top of her as she reclined. Her eyes were closed as her hips rocked under me. "Please," she whispered, "I want you in me..." My heart was racing as I lifted my hips, positioning myself. With one hand I reached down and spread her open, moving her tail aside. Slowly I eased forward. When the tip of my penis touched her, I thrust hard, entering her. She gasped, then grasped the base of my tail, moving it up and down, setting a rhythm. I obliged, feeling the pressures of orgasm building in us both. I held her close as her sounds of ecstasy increased in volume. I felt her nails digging into my pelt, and after a moment she threw her head back. I felt the muscles of her vagina spasming as she came. After a moment she relaxed, breathing deeply. I continued slowly, gently thrusting. It wouldn't be long now before my orgasm, I could tell. I felt her hand on my back, caressing me gently... Something was wrong. It occurred to me that her hands were both still on my backside. I looked up quickly, and nearly died when I saw Terry's face. He was kneeling behind the couch, with his hand on my back. His expression was... odd. I froze, unable to think of anything to say or do. "Well done, little fox," he said in his husky baritone. He looked down at Lynn. "Did you enjoy yourself, my love?" I looked at her also. There was a little smile on her face as she nodded. This was NOT the reaction I expected from someone who has been caught cheating on her lover. I started to disengage myself from her, but his hand held me in place. Terry was much larger and stronger than I was, and I could not resist. "Just a moment, little fox. There is a price for borrowed pleasures... a price you must now pay." He stood and walked around the couch. Through my apprehension I noticed he was wearing only a pair of cut-offs, through which I could see that he too was aroused. Keeping his hand on my back, he knelt beside me. My heart was in my throat. I knew that if he wanted to hurt me, I would not be able to defend myself. I felt Lynn's hands move to the front of my hips, and she gently pushed me up onto all fours. She smiled at me and said "Don't worry... you'll be okay." She slid herself out from under me, the pressure of Terry's hand on my back preventing me from moving. She got to her feet and went over to Terry, kneeling behind him. He turned his head to face her, and they kissed. Her hands caressed his crotch, and a moment later she had unzipped his shorts and pulled them down. Terry's erect penis stood out, the light reflecting off of its smooth surface. There was a drop of wetness on the tip. She stroked him lightly for a moment, "I think our guest is waiting, my love," Lynn said. Terry nodded and stood. His hand moved down my back, and he grasped the base of my tail and lifted, pulling my rear into the air. He knelt on the couch behind me. With a surge of fear I realized what he was going to do. but I could not break his grip on me. He spread my cheeks with his other hand. I felt him move forward. When his penis touched my anus I began trembling violently. "Oh, look, he's scared," Lynn said. She knelt next to me and took my hand. "Don't worry... it's all right... tell us if you really don't want to..." My voice had left me. I don't know what I would have said, had speech been possible. Terry paused a moment, then pressed forward. I gasped as I was entered. He pushed past the resistance of my muscles. There was a brief moment of pain as he slid all the way in, then he was slowly rocking back and forth. His hands left my tail and slid down around my waist. With his great strength he pulled me to him, and I felt his fingers caressing my balls and penis. He was thrusting steadily now, sliding in and out of me. My body reacted on its own. I found myself pressing against him as wave of pleasure filled me. The fear of being mounted was replaced by the desire for more. I was surprised at my feelings... I WANTED him in me, wanted him deeper. I began whimpering as the excitement grew. I had never felt anything like this before, and I loved it. Lynn reached down and grasped the head of my penis, squeezing in time with Terry's thrusts. I could hear a low growl, almost a purr, coming from him. Glancing back, I saw that his eyes were closed and his head was lashing from side to side. His hands tightened on my organs as his thrusts became more insistent. He was going to come in me... and I wanted him to. His thrusting was almost violent now. I was being shoved roughly back and forth, but it felt so good... Suddenly, he threw back his head and howled. I could feel the streams of come filling me... could feel the pulsing of his penis as it rubbed inside me. It was too much. With a yelp I too came, covering Lynn's hand with my white fluid. Pulses of great pleasure radiated from my anus. I had never had an orgasm as... deep as this. I was almost crying in my ecstasy, and I felt Lynn's teeth upon my throat as she nibbled. * * * * * I must have blacked out, for my next memory is waking with my head in Terry's lap. He looked down and smiled as I struggled to sit up. He helped me up, then suddenly pulled me close and kissed me on the mouth. Without hesitation I responded, holding him tightly. It just didn't occur to me that I was kissing another male... somehow, it didn't matter. After a moment we separated. I looked into his face and saw a slight smile. "I take it you enjoyed our... encounter, little fox?" "I... I don't know what to say, I..." Terry grinned, showing massive, white teeth. "Blame Lynn. This was her idea, you know. She was sure she could seduce you, and..." I could swear he was blushing! "...and we were both attracted to you. You're a sexy little thing... especially when you're caught off guard." He laughed. "You should have seen your face when you saw me! It was great!" All three of us laughed. Lynn, I could see, was wearing that robe again, playing the tease. I pointed my finger at her. "You! You little... I ought to put you over my knee and..." "Yes?" she said, brightening. "And?" "Urf," I said as Terry tickled my balls. "'Urf'? Is that the best you can come up with? Such an underachiever!" "I'll show you 'underachiever'..." * * * * * That's what happened, so help me God. I stayed the rest of the night, making love, getting to know them better than I had dreamed possible. Terry says he wants this to be a regular thing... and I'll admit it, I'm hooked. I never thought I'd do something like that, but hey! These surprises are what life's all about. Those two crazy, horny people gave me something I'll always treasure, and could never repay. I love it.